Get the ball rolling.
This process should be simple and straight-forward. For more information on how I build decks, schedule a call by emailing, or fill out the form below.
What service is right for you?
First Impression Analysis
For those who just need a professional opinion
First impression analysis of your current deck
Detailed suggestions to improve messaging, visuals, and overall flow
8 Slides
For those who need a full deck
One week turnaround
Analysis of current deck (if applicable)
Customized 6-8 Slide deck
Refining of brand fonts, colors and logo
Custom illustrations and product renders
Access to all created assets inside deck
10 Slides
For those who need a bigger deck
Two week turnaround
Analysis of current deck (if applicable)
Customized 6-8 Slide deck
Refining of brand fonts, colors and logo
Custom illustrations and product renders
Access to all created assets inside deck
Fill out this form
And I will be in touch with you right away!